Spring Eucharistic Procession

Spring Eucharistic Procession

Join us for a Eucharistic Procession starting at St. Margaret Mary and proceeding onto UNO’s Dodge campus.

If you’re willing: We need student leaders to engage the on-campus community if they have questions. Reach out to Kyle (kyle.loecker@jpiiomaha.org) for more information.

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JamFest 2024

JamFest 2024

JamFest 2024 featuring performances by Austin Satrio, Bella Worthing & Danny Leger, Grace Giebler, and Lily Spangler & Ben Lundstrom.

Food trucks, root beer & beer, yard games, and live music! Bring a blanket or lawn chair!

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Catholic 201: The Moral Life & Evangelization

Catholic 201: The Moral Life & Evangelization

When a Catholic received the sacrament of Confirmation, they move from being a member of the Church to being a witness for Christ. St. John Paul II challenges us to be more than mere members but rather to be witnesses through our lives so that, by living the moral life, we can bring others to Christ Jesus.

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Catholic 201: Conscience & the Cross

Catholic 201: Conscience & the Cross

“Lest the Cross Be Emptied…”

This partial quote from St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is the starting point for this lecture during Holy Week. Ultimately, the moral life comes down to this commitment which St. Paul makes to his fellow Christians, a commitment founded upon his love of Jesus. We’ll look at how St. John Paul II uses this passage to make his argument for how we ought to live.

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Catholic 201: Conscience & Truth

Catholic 201: Conscience & Truth

We’ve finally come to the question of conscience and the moral life. Often portrayed as a good angel on one shoulder vs. a bad angel on the other, our conscience is sacred. But is it the end-all-be-all of the moral life? We’ll talk about contemporary theories and what the Church’s wisest have to say.

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Spring Break Mission
to Mar 16

Spring Break Mission

During our week in Denver, we will enter into life and mission with the Christ in the City missionaries. Our days will include “street walks” to spend time with their friends who experience homelessness, daily Mass and prayer, cooking and cleaning together, and community time. We’ll also have opportunities to learn about homelessness and poverty as well as more about the Christ in the City mission. 

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Catholic 201: JPII Corrects Errors

Catholic 201: JPII Corrects Errors

Building off of last week’s contextualizing of Veritatis Splendor, we look more closely at the many errors in moral theology that the encyclical was correcting. We’ll look at what they argue and how he addresses them in his encyclical, as well as where we might seem these errors today.

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Catholic 201: JPII’s Veritatis Splendor

Catholic 201: JPII’s Veritatis Splendor

We’re going to take a break from the heaviness of virtues and such and talk about the document that inspired this class, Veritatis Splendor. We want to look at why it was written, what Pope John Paul II was trying to do with it, how it was received, and why it matters today.

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